Full Stack Developer | Mobile Developer
Hi! I'm a Full Stack Developer specializing in creating websites, mobile apps, and robust software solutions.
Explore my portfolio to see how I bring ideas to life through code!


Lance - Ambulance Booking App
Flutter, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform
Developed Flutter apps for user & driver with Firebase & Google Cloud Platform. User app features: account registration, fetches live location, display all nearbyambulances live location on map, list generation of live ambulances with ETA,pricing etc. for booking. Driver app features: driver & ambulance account registration, offline-online switching.

Fashion Ecommerce – Client & Admin Panel
Flutter, Firebase, GetX
Created admin panel for web & client app for web & mobile. Deployed on Firebase hosting and Firestore as a database. Admin panel: allows CRUD operations of products. Material Design UI. Client app: Phone login, browsing, filtering, and sorting products with product details page. Dual theme.

Hungro – Restaurant Menu & Delivery App
Flutter, Hive, Firebase, Provider
Developed an oriental cuisine restaurant cross-platform app built using Flutter for Android, iOS & web. Offers a seamless experience for users to explore the restaurant's menu, add items to their cart, and proceed to checkout. Features: Authentication, Firestore integration, menu, checkout process, dual theme, receipt display, cart management.

Crypto World
Flutter Web, CoinGecko API, Firebase
Developed Flutter web app to track various Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Exchanges.Deployed on Firebase Hosting. GetX for state management & info fetched using CoinGecko API. Features a glass-morphism inspired UI with both responsive and adaptive build.

C.A.R.S - Crash Assistance & Rescue System
Flutter, Arduino, C++
A Flutter app to detect car crashes and inform the close contacts with the location information of the vehicle and medical information of the driver instantaneously with the help of a bluetooth connection to the Airbag Control Module of the vehicle.